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Version: 0.15


Farm support compiling Js/Jsx/Ts/Tsx out of box, and compile Jsx/Tsx to React by default.

import Button from "./Button";

function ButtonGroup(props: ButtonProps) {
return (
{ => (

Farm using SWC to compile scripts, and Farm has set reasonable default configurations for script compilation. Also, you can use compilation.script to configure how to compile your script file. see compilation.script for details.

Configuring Swc Parser

You can configuring the SWC Parser through compilation.script.parser. Refer to

For example, if you want to enable decorator, you can set compilation.script.parser.esConfig.decorators(or tsConfig.decorators if the module is TS):

export default {
compilation: {
script: {
// for .js/.jsx files
esConfig: {
decorators: true,
// for .ts/.tsx files
tsConfig: {
decorators: true,

By default Farm set jsx: true for .jsx|.tsx files. Other field are default to SWC's defaults.

Configuring Target

Using to configure your target env when running your project, Farm set it default to ESNext.

This option can be used along with compilation.presetEnv to gracefully downgrade your project for old browsers. For example, you can set target to ES5 and enable presetEnv, then your project will be fully downgrade to ES5.

export default {
compilation: {
script: {
target: "ES5",
presetEnv: true,

Refer to Polyfill for more about presetEnv.


Decorators is disabled by default, you can set compilation.script.parser.tsConfig.decorators to true to enable decorators.

import { defineConfig } from "@farmfe/core";

export default defineConfig({
compilation: {
script: {
parser: {
tsConfig: {
// support decorators
decorators: true,
// configuring decorators
decorators: {
legacyDecorator: true,
decoratorMetadata: false,
decoratorVersion: '2021-12',
includes: ["src/broken.ts"],
excludes: ['node_modules/'],

Farm provide a example for supporting decorators, see By default, Farm won't transform decorators for modules under node_modules, refer to compilation.script.decorators.excludes.

Using SWC Plugins

SWC Plugins can be used directly in Farm, for example, we use swc-plugin-vue-jsx to compiling vue jsx in Farm:

import jsPluginVue from "@farmfe/js-plugin-vue";

* @type {import('@farmfe/core').UserConfig}
export default {
compilation: {
script: {
plugins: [
name: "swc-plugin-vue-jsx",
options: {
transformOn: true,
optimize: true,
filters: {
// resolvedPaths: [".+"]
moduleTypes: ["tsx", "jsx"],
plugins: [jsPluginVue()],

Refer to Using Plugins for more details.

Vite-style import.meta.glob

Farm fully support Vite-style import.meta.glob, see glob import.

for example:

const modules = import.meta.glob("./dir/*.js");

The above will be transformed into the following:

// code produced by Farm
const modules = {
"./dir/foo.js": () => import("./dir/foo.js"),
"./dir/bar.js": () => import("./dir/bar.js"),

Using { eager: true }:

const modules = import.meta.glob("./dir/*.js", { eager: true });

The above will be transformed into the following:

// code produced by Farm
import * as __glob__0_0 from "./dir/foo.js";
import * as __glob__0_1 from "./dir/bar.js";
const modules = {
"./dir/foo.js": __glob__0_0,
"./dir/bar.js": __glob__0_1,

multiple patterns are supported:

const modules = import.meta.glob(["./dir/*.js", "./another/*.js"]);

negative patterns are also supported:

const modules = import.meta.glob(["./dir/*.js", "!**/bar.js"]);
// code produced by Farm
const modules = {
"./dir/foo.js": () => import("./dir/foo.js"),
  • You should also be aware that all the arguments in the import.meta.glob must be passed as literals. You can NOT use variables or expressions in them.
  • import.meta.glob transformed by Farm in compile time, it does not exist in runtime.
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