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Version: 0.15


Support Generate .d.ts files for Farm. This plugin is used for building tools and libraries, generate .d.ts for your typescript code.


npm install @farmfe/js-plugin-dts


import { UserConfig } from '@farmfe/core';
import farmJsPluginDts from '@farmfe/js-plugin-dts';

const config: UserConfig = {
plugins: [
farmJsPluginDts({ /* options */ })


import type { ts, Diagnostic } from 'ts-morph';

export interface DtsPluginOptions {
* Depends on the root directory
root?: string;

* Declaration files output directory
outputDir?: string | string[];

* set the root path of the entry files
entryRoot?: string;

* Project init compilerOptions using by ts-morph
compilerOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions | null;

* Project init tsconfig.json file path by ts-morph
tsConfigPath?: string;

* set include glob
include?: string | string[];

* set exclude glob
exclude?: string | string[];

* Whether copy .d.ts source files into outputDir
* @default false
copyDtsFiles?: boolean;

* Whether emit nothing when has any diagnostic
* @default false
noEmitOnError?: boolean;

* Whether skip typescript diagnostics
* @default true
skipDiagnostics?: boolean;

* Customize typescript lib folder path
* @default undefined
libFolderPath?: string;

* According to the length to judge whether there is any type error
afterDiagnostic?: (diagnostics: Diagnostic[]) => void | Promise<void>;

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