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Version: 1.0.0

Runtime Plugin API

Plugin hook definition:

export interface FarmRuntimePlugin {
// plugin name
name: string;
// invoked when the module system is bootstrapped
bootstrap?: (moduleSystem: ModuleSystem) => void | Promise<void>;
// invoked after new module instances are created
moduleCreated?: (module: Module) => void | Promise<void>;
// invoked after module initialization functions are called
moduleInitialized?: (module: Module) => void | Promise<void>;
// invoked after module caches are read, return true to skip cache reading
readModuleCache?: (module: Module) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
// called when module is not found
moduleNotFound?: (moduleId: string) => void | Promise<void>;
// called when loading resources, custom your resource loading in this hook.
// return { success: true } to indicate that this resources have been loaded successfully.
// return { success: false, retryWithDefaultResourceLoader: true } to indicate that this resources have not been loaded successfully and should be retried with the default resource loader.
loadResource?: (
resource: Resource,
targetEnv: 'browser' | 'node'
) => Promise<ResourceLoadResult>;

Writing Runtime Plugin

See Writing Runtime Plugin


Then are 2 kind of execution orders when calling Farm runtime plugin hooks:

  • serial: The hook is called ono by one by the order of plugins. All plugins would be called serially.
  • first: Skip all left plugins once truthy value is returned.

Hook execution order:

          for each module                     true                         true                     return false
bootstrap -----------> module registered? ------> module initialized? ----> readModuleCache -------------------------> done
| | false |false | return true |
| | |--------------> moduleCreated ------> moduleInitialized --|
| |-------------------> moduleNotFound
| dynamic import
| ---------------> loadResource


  • type: string

The name of your runtime plugin.


  • hook type: serial
  • type: (moduleSystem: ModuleSystem) => void | Promise<void>

Invoked once when the module system is bootstrapped. Setup your plugin in this hook. Example:

export default <Plugin>{
name: 'farm-runtime-hmr-client-plugin',
// define hooks
bootstrap(moduleSystem) {
hmrClient = new HmrClient(moduleSystem);


  • hook type: serial
  • type: (module: Module) => void | Promise<void>

Invoked after new module instances are created. You can read or update property of the new created module.

export default <Plugin>{
name: 'farm-runtime-hmr-client-plugin',
moduleCreated(module) {
// create a hot context for each module = createHotContext(, hmrClient);

moduleCreated is called BEFORE the module is executed, so module.exports is always empty, use moduleInitialized instead if you want to access module.exports.


  • hook type: serial
  • type: (module: Module) => void | Promise<void>

Invoked after module initialization functions are called.


moduleCreated is called AFTER the module is executed, so module.exports is available is this hook.


  • hook type: serial
  • type: (module: Module) => boolean | Promise<boolean>

Invoked after module caches are read, return true to skip cache reading and re-executed the module.


  • hook type: serial
  • type: (module: Module) => void | Promise<void>

Called when module is not registered.


  • hook type: first
  • type: (resource: Resource, targetEnv: 'browser' | 'node') => Promise<ResourceLoadResult>

called when loading resources, custom your resource loading in this hook.

  • return { success: true } to indicate that this resources have been loaded successfully.
  • return { success: false, retryWithDefaultResourceLoader: true } to indicate that this resources have not been loaded successfully and should be retried with the default resource loader.
import { Plugin } from '@farmfe/runtime';

export default <Plugin>{
name: 'runtime-plugin-example',
loadResource: (resource, targetEnv) => {
// override default resource loading
// load the resource from different location
return import('./replaced.js').then(() => {
return {
success: true

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