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Version: 1.0.0

Syntax Downgrade and Polyfill

By default, Farm will downgrade to ES2017(native support async/await) and inject necessary polyfills automatically in production mode.


By default, Farm won't do transformation and inject polyfills for modules under node_modules/, if you need to downgrade syntax and inject polyfills for node_modules/ you can use compilation.presetEnv.include.

Configuring targetEnv​

Farm provide a normalized output.targetEnv option to configure the target execution environment of your application. Farm will perform properly syntax downgrade and polyfill injection for your target environment automatically. For example:

export default {
compilation: {
output: {
targetEnv: 'browser-legacy'

Farm will compile your application to legacy browsers(ES5):

  • Compile all Js/Jsx/Ts/Tsx modules to ES5, and inject all polyfills(Promise, regenerator-runtime and so on).
  • Add prefix for all css/scss/less modules, for example, --webkit-.

Farm supports many normalized targetEnv options like browser-modern, browser-es2017, browser-es2015, node16, node-legacy, etc. By default, targetEnv is browser-es2017. Refer to output.targetEnv.


You may need to install core-js@3 or regeneration-runtime manually if polyfill is needed. Try run pnpm add core-js if you met something error like can not resolve 'core-js/modules/xxx'

Configuring Syntax and Polyfill Separately​

Internally, targetEnv just presets of presetEnv, and css.prefixer. You can configure them more precisely if you need.

Configuring presetEnv​

You can use compilation.presetEnv to custom syntax downgrade and polyfill injection. By default all modules under node_modules will be ignored. Using include to add extra modules that need to be polyfilled.

export default {
compilation: {
presetEnv: {
// include a package under node_modules
include: ['node_modules/package-name'],
options: {
targets: "Chrome >= 48"

Note that if your project does not require browser compatibility, you can use set a looser value for targets, then less polyfills will be injected and output sizes will be smaller.

Refer to compilation.presetEnv for more options.

Configuring​ is used to control the target env when generate code. If you want to downgrade your project to ES5, you should set both:

export default {
compilation: {
script: {
target: 'ES5'
presetEnv: {
// include a package under node_modules
include: ['node_modules/package-name'],
options: {
targets: "> 0.25%, not dead"